Jose: Abuse, 17 years heroin & crack, now parent & school teacher…
Having been rejected and blanked by her step father, abused by her neighbour, treated like a dog and tortured by some foster parents, a lot of bitterness and anger had been grown in Jose. At school she became a bullyish, and gained her self-esteem and respect from a reputation in being able to take care of herself.
Prison was the badge of honour as she saw it and quickly obtained it by steaming into a security guard at McDonalds. Learning more in prison, and doing more. Proud to become one of the first girls to try heroin, began in prison, introduced by a friend, it felt like her best friend, the missing ‘thing’ in her life, the day passed quickly, she loved everyone, was happy. From that day she spent 17 years as a heroin and crack addict.
And it stole any dignity she had, everything she had it took, her womanhood, everything, it took it all, and she became like an animal. Every single waking second of her life from then on was about heroin. Jose became desparate when she realised she couldn’t even give up heroin years later for the very real love of a child.
But while taking a walk in the park to score some heroin, she met some people… and her life took a completely new path…